Cooperation Partner
Establishing structured collaboration with external partners and specialist experts is an essential part of the University Cancer Center Inselspital (UCI). We work closely with the following experts:
Cancer League
We work closely with the Bern Cancer League to advise and support patients and their relatives. We promote mutual exchange so that patients are optimally informed and cared for. Information brochures are available in the UCI treatment centers. Additional information can be obtained directly from Krebsliga Bern or Krebsliga Schweiz.
Rehabilitations Institutions
We work with various rehabilitation facilities, including:
Berner Reha Zentrum Heiligenschwendi
Klinik Bethesda Tschugg
Berner Klinik Montana
Cancer registry Bern Solothurn
The Bern Solothurn Cancer Registry and the UCI work closely together. Our greatest concern is to continually improve data quality. We therefore hold regular joint work meetings and training courses. You can find more details here Informationen zum Krebsregister.