See the Nervous System

Neuroradiology deals with the entire nervous system. It uses a number of imaging procedures such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computer tomography (CT) or sonography (ultrasound). Brain tumors are diverse in their biology and their response to therapy and survival. In addition to benign and malignant tumors, there are also cellular changes that only resemble tumors, but are not cancerous. It is therefore crucial to perform rapid and careful imaging clarification of brain tumors in order to choose the right treatment.


Radiology specialists primarily examine patients with brain tumors using magnetic resonance imaging. In addition to high-resolution images, advanced techniques are also used that reflect the changes in the microstructural tumors.

Perfusion-weighted imaging and spectroscopy show the blood flow and metabolic activity of a tumor. They help distinguish between low-grade and high-grade brain tumors and assess responses to therapy.

  • Diffusion-weighted imaging helps to protect important brain regions during surgery. It shows important pathways in the brain and their spatial relationship to the tumor.
  • Functional magnetic resonance imaging shows how blood flow to eloquent and strategically relevant areas of the brain changes.
  • All information is correlated with the genetic information of the tumor and serve for targeted and efficient treatment within the framework of the concept of “personalized medicine”.

Weekly Meetings

The images obtained are discussed every week at the tumor board by an interdisciplinary team of neurosurgeons, neuro-oncologists, radiation oncologists, neuropathologists, neurologists and neuroradiologists. The high-quality imaging supports the treating doctors:

  • when planning surgeries,
  • in finding the correct diagnosis,
  • in recognizing tumor-related secondary complications,
  • when assessing the course.