Your treatment center for trophoblastic tumors (GTD)

Trophoblastic tumors (GTD) are rare neoplasms that arise from the trophoblastic tissue of the placenta and are derived from fetal tissue. They can occur during or after any form of pregnancy. Trophoblastic diseases are rare. In Europe, around one in 2000 pregnancies is affected.

The assessment of this disease is difficult due to its rarity and complexity, but is nevertheless essential for the patient's possible recovery. If throphoblastic disease is suspected or diagnosed, our GTD reference center supports both you as a patient and your gynecologist in assessing the diagnosis, drawing up a treatment plan and monitoring your values.

We continually adapt our diagnostics and forms of therapy to the latest research results. Our center is the only GTD reference center in German-speaking Switzerland. We work closely with the Geneva Center des Maladies Trophoblastiques.


You can find all important information about trophoblast tumors on the Website of the Frauenklinik.