Together in the Service of Research
Around 100 researchers are committed to interdisciplinary, interprofessional, translational cancer research in various centers and institutions at the Inselspital and the University of Bern.
- Aebersold Group
- Allam Group
- Angelillo-Scherrer Group
- Bernasconi, Rössler Group
- Djonov Group
- Furtwängler Group
- Geiser Group
- Giger Group
- Gourni Group
- Häfliger Group
- Hanzlikova Group
- Konstantinidou Group
- Kruithof de Julio Group
- Marinoni, Perren, Sadowski Group
- Marti Group
- Medova Group
- Meyer Group
- Mueller Group
- Ng Group
- Novak Group
- Ochsenbein Group
- Pabst Group
- Peng Group
- Perren, Marinoni, Sadowski Group
- Riether Group
- Rominger Group
- Rottenberg Group
- Rubin Group
- Sadowski, Marinoni, Perren Group
- Shi Group
- Siegenthaler Group
- Stroka Group
- Tschan Group
- Vassella Group
- von Gunten Group
- Williams Group
- Zimmer, Medo Group
- Zlobec Group