Sarkoma-Webinar-Series: What Referrers should Know!

Dear colleagues

Our webinar series on sarcoma is now available on demand and the videos can be viewed at any time. Don't miss these take-home messages on symptoms, diagnostics, forms of therapy and prognoses:


There discuss for You:

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. nat. Frank Klenke
Leiter Sarkomzentrum, stv. Klinikdirektor Orthopädische Chirurgie und Traumatologie

PD Dr. med. Attila Kollàr
Co-Leiter Sarkomzentrum, Leitender Arzt, med. Onkologie

PD Dr. med. Heather Dawson
Leitende Ärztin, Pathologie

Dr. med. Codruta Ionescu
Oberärztin Radio-Onkologie

Dr. med. Dr. phil. Corina Kim-Fuchs
Spitalfachärztin I, Viszerale Chirurgie und Medizin


Dr. med. Dennis Hoch
Assistenzarzt medizinische Onkologie