Nursing Expert APN | Patient Coach

In the Sarcoma Center at the Inselspital in Bern, patients* with sarcoma and their relatives are accompanied by a patient coach.


The patient coach is a specialized nursing professional (Advanced Practice Nurse, APN) who accompanies you and your relatives through all phases of the illness. The APN is involved from the start and is your constant contact. She informs, advises, accompanies and supports you in dealing with your illness. The APN represents a link between outpatient and inpatient treatment as well as between the different therapy steps.

If you have any questions, you can contact her at any time.

*The offer from the nursing expert APN only applies to patients in orthopedics and plastic surgery.

Contact Nursing Expert APN | Patient Coach

Karin Biedermann, MScN, Nursing Expert APN
Tel: +41 31 632 16 25


Karin Biedermann
Pflegeexpertin APN, DNP, MScN, RN