Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)
Title in German |
Eine Studie mit MP0533 bei Patienten mit Blutkrebs |
Title in English |
A phase 1/2a, first-in-human, open-label, multicenter study of MP0533 in patients with relapsed/refractory (R/R) acute myeloid leukemia (AML) or myelodysplastic syndrome with excess blasts-2 (MDS-EB2) |
Description |
This study examines the study drug MP0533, which is being used in patients for the first time. Only patients diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) or myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) can take part in the study. MP0533 is designed to selectively bind to and kill cancer cells in the blood and bone marrow. It is expected to activate the body's immune system and trigger an immune response against the cancer to kill the cancer cells. Therefore, MP0533 offers a novel and innovative treatment option to be tested in humans. MP0533 has been shown to be safe in animal studies. Treatment with MP0533 aims to address the high unmet medical need for patients with recurrent or difficult-to-treat leukemia or myelodysplastic syndrome. In this study, we examine how safe the new study drug MP0533 is and how well it works. We are testing MP0533 at various dosages to define the safest and most efficient dosing regimen of study drug MP0533 for future studies. We also want to learn more about the distribution and concentration of the study drug in the blood and bone marrow and how it affects the body, its effect on the cancer cells, and the ability of the study drug to trigger an unwanted immune response in the body. The study is a multicenter international study. The participating centers are located in Europe (Netherlands and Switzerland). Two locations in Switzerland were selected to take part in the present clinical study. |
Phase/Biobank/ect. |
1/2a |
Head of Clincial Trial |
Prof. Dr. Thomas Pabst |
Study-Nurse |
Back-up |
Back-up |
Status |
temp. closed for patient recruitment since 21.04.2024 |
BASEC Nummer |
2022-01615 |
SNCTP000005268 |
EudraCT No. |
EUCTR2022-002432-31 |
WHO-Register-Nummer |
Insel-Nummer |
5294 |
Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS)
IMerge – GRN163L
Titel in German |
Eine Studie zur Beurteilung von Imetelstat (GRN163L) bei transfusionsabhängigen Patienten mit Myelodysplastischem Syndrom (MDS) der IPSS-Risikoklassen niedrig oder intermediär 1, das rezidiviert/refraktär gegenüber einer Behandlung mit einer Erythropoese-stimulierenden Substanz (ESA) ist |
Titel in English |
A Study to Evaluate Imetelstat (GRN163L) in Transfusion-Dependent Subjects with IPSS Low or Intermediate-1 Risk Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) that is Relapsed/Refractory to Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agent (ESA) Treatment |
Description |
Dies ist eine randomisierte, doppelblinde, placebokontrollierte Phase 3 Studie zum Vergleich der Wirksamkeit von Imetelstat versus Placebo, hinsichtlich Unabhängigkeit von Erythrozyten-Transfusionen. |
Phase/Biobank/etc. |
Phase 2/3 |
Studienleitung |
Study-Nurse |
Back-up |
Status |
active, not recruiting |
BASEC Nummer |
2020-02056 |
SNCTP000005028 |
WHO-Register-Nummer |
NCT02598661 |
Insel-Nummer |
4732 |
Title in German |
Eine open-label, einarmige Phase-IIIb-Studie zur Bewertung der Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit von Luspatercept bei Patienten mit MDS mit niedrigem Risiko und ringsideroblastischem Phänotyp (MDS-RS) |
Title in English |
A phase IIIb, open-label, single arm study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of luspatercept in patients with lower-risk MDS and ring-sideroblastic phenotype (MDS-RS) |
Description |
The study aims to compare 70 non-del(5q) LR-MDS patients. ESAs refractory/relapsed/intolerant/ineligible or refractory/relapsed to HMAs or LEN will be included and receive treatment with luspatercept. |
Phase |
3b |
Head Clinical Trial |
Study-Nurse |
Back-up |
Status |
aktive, recruiting |
BASEC-Nummer |
2022-00877 |
Kofam-Nummer |
SNCTP000005315 |
WHO-Register-Nummer |
NCT05181592 |
Insel-Nummer |
5328 |
Title in German |
Eine randomisierte, doppelblinde, placebokontrollierte Phase III multizentrische Studie von Azacitidin mit oder ohne MBG453 zur Behandlung von Patienten mit mittleren, hohen oder sehr Hochrisiko-Myelodysplastisches Syndrom (MDS) gemäß IPSS-R, oder chronische myelomonozytische Leukämie-2 (CMML-2) |
Title in English |
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase III multi-center study of azacitidine with or without MBG453 for the treatment of patients with intermediate, high or very high risk myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) as per IPSS-R, or Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia-2 (CMML-2) |
Description |
This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 3 study examines the effectiveness and safety of the checkpoint inhibitor MBG453 (TIM3 antibody) in combination with azacytidine in patients with high-risk MDS in first-line therapy. |
Phase/Biobank/ect. |
Phase 3 |
Head Clinical Trial |
Study-Nurse |
Back-up |
Status |
active, not recruiting |
BASEC Nummer |
2020-00463 |
SNCTP000003767 |
WHO-Register-Nummer |
NCT04266301 |
Insel-Nummer |
4547 |
Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPN)
Title in German |
Therapiebedingte myeloische Neoplasien nach zytotoxischer Behandlung: Risikobewertung, Patientencharakterisierung und prognostische Faktoren |
Title in English |
Therapy-related myeloid neoplasms after cytotoxic treatment: risk assessment, patients characterization and prognostic factors |
Descpription |
The study takes advantage of the Swiss Personalized Health Network initiative (SPHN), and in particular the Swiss Personalized Oncology network (SPO), to screen a large population of patients (more than 100,000) that have received chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy at four university hospitals in Switzerland. After screening, we expect to find 100 - 200 t-MN cases that will be used to discover new insights on the risks of developing t-MNs and the profile of t-MN patients. After local validation and data completion for t-MN cases, we will calculate t-MN risk and describe t-MN patient characteristics and outcomes. |
Head Clinical Trial |
Study nurse |
Back-up |
Status |
active, not recruiting |
BASEC-Nummer |
2023-00475 |
Kofam-Nummer |
WHO-Register-Nummer |
Insel-Nummer |
5547 |
Title in German |
Die Rolle der IL-33/ST2-Signalübertragung bei myeloproliferativen Neoplasien |
Title in English |
The role of IL-33/ST2 signaling in myeloproliferative neoplasms |
Description |
The objectives of the study are to investigate the role of IL-33/ST2 in human MPN by 1) prospectively analyzing patients with MPN (newly diagnosed or with established MPN requiring follow-up biopsy); 2) retrospectively analyzing archived BM samples with staining for IL-33 or IL-33 receptor (also called ST2) (or associated markers) and comparison with disease progression and in particular extent of BM fibrosis; and 3) analyzing the role of IL-33/ST2 in myelofibrosis by complementing pathologic analyses with in vitro mechanistic studies involving the culture of primary bone marrow fibroblasts |
Phase |
Head Clinical Trial |
Study Nurse |
Back-up |
Status |
active, recruiting |
BASEC-Nummer |
2016-01949 |
WHO-Register-Nummer |
Insel-Nummer |
3556 |
Title in German |
Etablierung eines Registers für Patienten mit myeloproliferativen Neoplasien (MPN) in der Schweiz (MPN-Register) |
Title in English |
Establishment of a registry for patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) in Switzerland (MPN registry) |
Description |
Mit dem schweizerischen MPN-Register werden gesundheitsbezogene Daten von Patienten mit MPN bei Erstdiagnose und im Verlauf der Erkrankung standardisiert und systematisch erfasst. Die Ziele des MPN-Registers umfassen die Förderung der klinischen Forschung bei MPN sowie die Verbesserung der Versorgung von Patienten mit MPN in der Schweiz. Mit Hife der Datensammlung im MPN-Register sollen epidemiologische Analysen durchgeführt werden, Analysen zu diagnostischen und therapeutischen Massnahmen bei Erstdiagnose, im Hinblick auf den Krankheitsverlauf und auf das Gesamtüberleben erfolgen, und letztlich die Umsetzung internationaler Empfehlungen bezüglich Diagnostik und Therapie im medizinischen Alltag untersucht werden. |
Phase |
Head Clinical Trial |
Study Nurse |
Back-up |
Status |
active, recruiting |
BASEC-Nummer |
WHO-Register-Nummer |
Insel-Nummer |
5578 |
Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL), Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL), Hodgkin Lymphoma (HL)
CLL 17
Title in German |
Klinische multizentrische, randomisierte, prospektive, open-label Phase 3 Studie mit Ibrutinib-Monotherapie versus zeitlich befristet Venetoclax plus Obinutuzumab versus zeitlich befristet Venetoclax plus Ibrutinb bei Patienten mit bisher unbehandelter chronischer lymphatischer Leukämie (CLL) |
Title in English |
A phase 3 multicentre, randomized, prospective, open-label trial of Ibrutinib monotherapy versus fixed-duration Venetoclax plus Obinutuzumab versus fixed-duration Venetoclax plus Ibrutinib in patients with previously untreated chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) |
Description |
Past studies have demonstrated the superiority of BCRi and venetoclax over chemoimmunotherapy in previously untreated CLL/SLL. However, these therapies have not yet been directly compared with each other. Of particular interest is the comparison of purely oral treatments against therapies with parenteral administration of antibodies as well as the comparison of long-term therapy leading to intolerance or progression against temporary therapy. In this study, three treatment arms, randomized 1:1:1, are compared against each other: |
- Ibrutinib (I): monotherapy until intolerance or progression, |
- Venetoclax+Obinutuzumab (VG): 6 cycles of venetoclax+obinutuzumab + 6 cycles of venetoclax, |
- Venetoclax+Ibrutinib (VI): 3 cycles of ibrutinib, 12 cycles of venetoclax+ibrutinib. |
Patients with previously untreated CLL/SLL with an indication for treatment according to iwCLL criteria are included. The primary endpoint is progression-free survival. Key secondary endpoints include response, minimal residual disease and overall survival. |
Phase/Biobank etc. |
Phase 3 |
Head Clinical Trial |
Study-Nurse |
Back-up |
Status |
active, not recruiting |
BASEC Nummer |
2021-01861 |
SNCTP000004689 |
WHO-Register-Nummer |
NCT04608318 |
Insel-Nummer |
5025 |
Title in German |
Eine Phase 2-Studie zur Evaluation der Wirksamkeit und Verträglichkeit von MK-1026 bei Patienten mit malignen hämatologischen Neoplasien |
Title in English |
A Phase 2 Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of MK-1026 in Participants with Hematologic Malignancies |
Description |
MK-1026 (Nemtabrutinib) ist ein oraler, reversibler, nicht-kovalenter ATP kompetitiver Inhibitor der BTK. Das Medikament hemmt die BTK unabhängig von C481 und ist daher sowohl bei Wildtyp als auch bei C481 mutierter BTK aktiv. In dieser Phase 2-Studie wird die Wirksamkeit (primärer Endpunkt: OR) und Verträglichkeit von MK-1026 in 8 Kohorten mit rezidivierter oder refraktärer CLL oder NHL untersucht: |
A: CLL/SLL rezidiviert oder refraktär nach Vortherapie mit einem kovalenten, irreversiblen BTKi, einem BCL2i und einem PI3Ki, |
B: CLL/SLL rezidiviert oder refraktär nach Vortherapie mindestens einer Vortherapie und BTKi-naiv, |
C: CLL/SLL mit 17p Deletion rezidiviert oder refraktär nach mindestens einer Vortherapie, |
D: Richter-Tansformation rezidivert oder refraktär nach mindestens einer Vortherapie (für die Richter-Transformation), |
E: MCL rezidiviert oder refraktär nach Chemoimmunotherapie und einem kovalenten irreversiblen BTKi, |
F: MZL (inklusive splenisches, nodales und extranodales MZL) rezidiviert oder refraktär nach Chemoimmunotherapie und einem kovalenten irreversiblen BTKi, |
G: FL rezidiviert oder refraktär nach Chemoimmunotherapie, Immunmodulatoren (z.B. Lenalidomid + Rituximab) und einen PI3Ki, |
H: WM rezidiviert oder refraktär nach Chemoimmunotherapie oder einen kovalenten irreversiblen BTKi. |
Phase/Biobank/etc. |
Phase 2 |
Head Clinical Trial |
Study-Nurse |
Back-up |
Status |
active, recruiting |
BASEC Nummer |
2022-00139 |
SNCTP000004864 |
WHO-Register-Nummer |
NCT04728893 |
Insel-Nummer |
5093 |
Title in German |
Beobachtungsstudie zum Gebrauch von Venetoclax bei Patienten mit chronischer lymphatischer Leukämie (CLL) unter real-life Bedingungen in Österreich, Deutschland und der Schweiz |
Title in English |
Observational study of the use of venetoclax in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) under real-life setting in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland |
Description |
This observational study examines the use of venetoclax in the approved indications in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) under real-life conditions. |
Venetoclax is administered as part of clinical routine. Clinical and laboratory data on tolerability and effectiveness will be collected. |
In addition, molecular genetic studies from blood samples will be carried out to assess the clonal evolution of CLL cells, the TP53 clone size and minimal residual disease under venetoclax. The primary endpoint is best response at 12 months. |
Phase/Biobank/etc. |
Head Clinical Trial |
Study-Nurse |
Back-up |
Status |
active, not recruiting |
BASEC Nummer |
2018-01541 |
WHO-Register-Nummer |
NCT03342144 |
Insel-Nummer |
3882 |
TreoMel Trial (IIT)
Title in German |
Vergleich von Treosulfan mit Melphalan gegen Melphalan alleine bei einer hochdosierten Chemotherapie vor autologer Transplantation bei Patienten mit einem Multiplen Myelom |
Title in English |
comparing treosulfan and melphalan with melphalan alone as conditioning regimen for autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) in myeloma patients |
Description |
Aim of the study: You have previously been treated with medication for myeloma disease. Your doctor has informed you in detail about the type of myeloma disease and the entire treatment protocol. Your treatment now also includes an intensive therapy phase, the so-called high-dose chemotherapy with the transplantation of your own (autologous) stem cells (autologous stem cell transplantation). Stem cells are precursor cells of normal blood cells. These stem cells normally develop into red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes) and blood platelets (thrombocytes) in the bone marrow. After chemotherapy and treatment with growth factors (G-CSF), stem cells can pass from the bone marrow into the blood. Such stem cells can then be removed from the blood through your veins and collected (stem cell collection). Such a stem cell collection will be carried out on you. This is followed by particularly strong chemotherapy, a so-called high-dose chemotherapy, followed by an autologous (own) stem cell transplant. The purpose of such high-dose chemotherapy is to destroy any remaining myeloma cells as completely as possible. For several decades, autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) after high-dose chemotherapy (HDCT) has been the standard in first-line therapy for patients with multiple myeloma if they are sufficiently fit. Nevertheless, practically all patients develop a relapse of their myeloma disease even after this intensive therapy. Therefore, intensive efforts are being made to improve high-dose chemotherapy for this patient group. The present study at the Inselspital in Bern is intended to clarify in a 1:1 comparison whether additional administration of the drug treosulfan (Trecondi®) can improve the results of high-dose melphalan therapy. We would like to show that more myeloma patients can achieve the goal of complete remission. A total of 120 myeloma patients are needed, including 60 patients in each of the two treatment arms. The drug Trecondi® contains the active ingredient treosulfan. It is administered at a dose of 14 g/m2 as an infusion over 2 hours, for three days in a row. Selection: We are asking you because all people can take part who suffer from myeloma disease and, after standard chemotherapy for initial treatment (induction), high-dose chemotherapy with the transplantation of their own (autologous) stem cells (autologous stem cell transplantation) be received. Anyone suffering from multiple myeloma can take part in this study. They must also be between 18 and 75 years old. However, patients with myeloma who are not considered suitable for high-dose chemotherapy by their treating doctors due to other illnesses are not allowed to take part. |
Phase |
2 |
Head Clinical Trial |
Study-Nurse |
Status |
open for patient recruitment since 06.06.2023 |
BASEC Nummer |
2022-01923 |
SNCTP000005441 |
WHO-Register-Nummer |
NCT05636787 |
Insel-Nummer |
5441 |
Title in German |
Register der Europäischen Gesellschaft für Blut- und Knochenmarktransplantation (EBMT) |
Title in English |
Registry data processing framework |
Description |
Purpose of the Registry The primary function of the Registry is to collect clinical data for research and to improve the safety and effectiveness of treatments and the quality of care. Ultimately, it's about saving the lives of patients with blood cancer and other life-threatening diseases. |
Phase/Biobank/ect. |
Register |
Studienleiter |
Study-Nurse |
Status |
active since 15.07.2021 |
BASEC Nummer |
2021-00020 |
Insel-Nummer |
4812 |
TreoMel Trial (IIT)
Title in German |
Vergleich von Treosulfan mit Melphalan gegen Melphalan alleine bei einer hochdosierten Chemotherapie vor autologer Transplantation bei Patienten mit einem Multiplen Myelom |
Title in English |
comparing treosulfan and melphalan with melphalan alone as conditioning regimen for autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) in myeloma patients |
Description |
Aim of the study: You have previously been treated with medication for myeloma disease. Your doctor has informed you in detail about the type of myeloma disease and the entire treatment protocol. Your treatment now also includes an intensive therapy phase, the so-called high-dose chemotherapy with the transplantation of your own (autologous) stem cells (autologous stem cell transplantation). Stem cells are precursor cells of normal blood cells. These stem cells normally develop into red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes) and blood platelets (thrombocytes) in the bone marrow. After chemotherapy and treatment with growth factors (G-CSF), stem cells can pass from the bone marrow into the blood. Such stem cells can then be removed from the blood through your veins and collected (stem cell collection). Such a stem cell collection will be carried out on you. This is followed by particularly strong chemotherapy, a so-called high-dose chemotherapy, followed by an autologous (own) stem cell transplant. The purpose of such high-dose chemotherapy is to destroy any remaining myeloma cells as completely as possible. For several decades, autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) after high-dose chemotherapy (HDCT) has been the standard in first-line therapy for patients with multiple myeloma if they are sufficiently fit. Nevertheless, practically all patients develop a relapse of their myeloma disease even after this intensive therapy. Therefore, intensive efforts are being made to improve high-dose chemotherapy for this patient group. The present study at the Inselspital in Bern is intended to clarify in a 1:1 comparison whether additional administration of the drug treosulfan (Trecondi®) can improve the results of high-dose melphalan therapy. We would like to show that more myeloma patients can achieve the goal of complete remission. A total of 120 myeloma patients are needed, including 60 patients in each of the two treatment arms. The drug Trecondi® contains the active ingredient treosulfan. It is administered at a dose of 14 g/m2 as an infusion over 2 hours, for three days in a row. Selection: We are asking you because all people can take part who suffer from myeloma disease and, after standard chemotherapy for initial treatment (induction), high-dose chemotherapy with the transplantation of their own (autologous) stem cells (autologous stem cell transplantation) be received. Anyone suffering from multiple myeloma can take part in this study. They must also be between 18 and 75 years old. However, patients with myeloma who are not considered suitable for high-dose chemotherapy by their treating doctors due to other illnesses are not allowed to take part. |
Phase |
2 |
Head Clinical Trial |
Study-Nurse |
Status |
open for patient recruitment since 06.06.2023 |
BASEC Nummer |
2022-01923 |
SNCTP000005441 |
WHO-Register-Nummer |
NCT05636787 |
Insel-Nummer |
5441 |