
Special Consulstation - Tumor Consultation Hours


Special consultation hours are offered for all skin tumors:

  • Melanocytic tumors: melanomas (black skin cancer) and nevi (birthmarks)
  • Non-melanoma skin tumors: spinal cell carcinomas and basal cell carcinomas (non-melanoma skin cancer
  • Rare skin tumors: dermatofibrosarcomas,Merkel cell carcinomas, adnexal tumors, etc.
  • Cutaneous lymphomas: Cutaneous lymphomas/cutaneous lymphoproliferative diseases

The tumor consultation hours take place on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and, in addition to the clinical examination, also serve to discuss the therapeutic strategy and present the tumor board. During these consultations, patients with difficult-to-treat skin cancers or with recurrent tumors are examined. Depending on the tumor type and location, additional examinations (taking skin samples, radiological examinations, etc.) are carried out.

Further information can be found on the homepage of the University Clinic for Dermatology.

Interdisciplinary Consultation-Hour (Dermatology and Plastic Surgery)

Here you will find further information about the joint consultation hours, registration and location:

Sprechstunden Wundsprechstunden and Interdisziplinäre Besprechung von komplexe Exzisionen und Rekonstruktionen

Your Contact Persons

Prof. Dr. med. Robert Hunger, Leiter HTZ
Leitender Arzt Dermatologie
Contact by Email

Prof. Dr. med. Mihai Constantinescu
Contact by Email

PD Dr. med. Radu Olariu
Stv. Chefarzt Plastische- und Wiederherstellungschirurgie
Contact by Email